How to prevent burnout during online school

Addison Childre, Director of New Staff

Not everyone is well suited for online school. As the days blend together, due dates seem sooner, and work piles up, class can become more frustrating. We should all check out methods to prevent burn out or to help get back on track. 

  1. Make a Schedule 
  • Plan out your long-term assignments and projects. Set a certain amount of work for yourself to complete each day to reach your goal.
  • Set due dates for yourself sooner than the actual date to give yourself time to breathe.

      2. Talk to Your Friends About How You Feel 

  • You may not know it, but most likely your friends could be feeling just as stuck or frustrated as you. Ask them how they deal with stress or just express how you feel.

       3. Reach Out to your Teachers 

  • Your teachers can not read your mind; you have to tell them how you feel. Reach out via email or Remind and simply state that the work seems like too much or you need some help. Going to office hours is also a good way to get help without directly asking for it formally. 

       4. Fix your Sleep Patterns 

  • That can simply be getting more rest, going to sleep earlier, or waking up at a different time. We as people work better when well-rested

        5. Get Some Fresh Air 

  • Exercise can help reduce stress, but if that is not something that interests you, try just spending more time outside. After being locked up in your room all day, a refreshing change in scenery might do you some good.

With these suggestions, you can grow not only as a learner but also independent from school. With online school, we tend to rely on ourselves too much, remember your friends, family, and teachers are there for you.