I hate summer, and you should too

Lolera Tesema, Opinions Editor

It is me. I’m the lovely co-editor who is an unapologetic summer hater. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the hype. We’re in school for so long with such little time to relax, so summer should be something we all love. Yet while everyone else basks in the sun and frolics in the waves, I stand firm in my belief that summer is purely a harbinger of discomfort, inconvenience, and endless perspiration. Let me convince you to join me as I uncover the undeniable superiority of winter.

Let’s address the elephant in the room: school’s out. Sure, summer break is often hailed as the ultimate freedom from the shackles of education. But what do we do with all that unstructured time? Think about it, it’s not like every day of summer you’ll be on a yacht, in a foreign country, or relaxing at the beach – not everyone can do that. Here’s a reality check: Summer CAN get boring (cue the collective gasp from the nepo-babies).

Many may argue that summer is a perfect time for vacations, but I say it only brings a barrage of headaches. From exorbitant travel prices to being surrounded at overcrowded tourist destinations, what is supposed to be a relaxing getaway only becomes an exercise in frustration. Sure, there may be a few pool parties, fireworks, and backyard barbecues thrown into the mix, but they don’t mask the underlying truth. Summer is a desert of excitement, leaving us parched (literally) for some real fun.

While summer enthusiasts suffer under the scorching sun, with their skin baking like sizzling bacon, us day-one summer haters bask in the joy of cooler temperatures. Just imagine a world without your shirt sticking to your back, the incessant need for sunscreen, and the funky smell of sweat following you everywhere you go.

As if the heat wasn’t enough, summer gifts us with the blood-sucking fiends that have earned a reputation as the bane of our existence: mosquitoes. They emerge from their hiding places, ready to feast on your flesh and ruin any semblance of outdoor enjoyment as soon as you step out the door. Rest assured, if swatting away these buzzing nuisances was an Olympic sport, put me in the arena and I’ll get that gold medal.

Now, here’s a bold proposal from this winter enthusiast: a winter-long break that falls right in the midst of the academic year. Before you think I’m going crazy, just imagine the possibilities! It’s the PERFECT opportunity to recharge, reflect, and cozy up with Home Alone playing in the background with a mug of hot cocoa.

Let’s trade in the sweltering heat for the crisp freshness of winter air, the beach towels for cozy blankets, and the summer hats for earmuffs. It’s time to say goodbye to the summer doldrums and welcome a season filled with true joy and wonder.