A student’s reflection: there are virtually no problems with distance learning

Albert Malhotra, Multimedia Editor

After a long and relaxing summer, school is back and more exciting than ever. From students’ houses flooding during online class, to teachers getting locked out of their own Teams calls, we really have seen it all. Of course, students are missing their friends, their sports, their musicals, and obviously Mr. Bargeman’s great music at lunch, but school online isn’t as bad as we thought.

 First of all, classes aren’t always 80 minutes, many end as soon as 60 minutes, which is way nicer than having just a five minute break between classes. There are many other advantages to school online, like not caring about the clothes you wear, or even being able to sit wherever you want. These aren’t major, but they definitely help balance out the four classes.

 Canvas is also a really great part of the school year. The calendar function shows all of the assignments that need to be turned in. It’s pretty much like the planner I was never motivated enough to use at school. 

I’m often asked what my least favorite thing about online school is, and sure, I miss being able to see my friends every day and eating lunch on the bleachers, but here’s an issue no one talks about enough: the inverted camera on Teams. You don’t know a real confidence killer until you see yourself inverted. 

Despite the ups and downs of distance learning, there have been some memorable moments too. Overall, it’s been a super eventful first month, and distance learning can only get better from here.