Eight tips to get teachers to like you online

Charlotte Guy, Editor-in-Chief

Calling all my fellow teacher’s pets! I know you might be worried about getting your teachers to love you this year, but worry not, I’m here to help. Follow these eight simple tips and you will be guaranteed your teacher’s affection.


Shout out your teacher in the chat at the end of every day and tell them what they did well during the lesson and if you feel like it, you can throw in a rating too. So maybe something like Hey Ms. <insert teacher’s first name here> you did such a great job with the lesson today everyone was so engaged and that was all because of you 11/10

Raise your hand at all times so your teacher knows you’re engaging with the content (especially when they tell you to put it down). 

When your teacher is sharing a powerpoint, draw a bunch of hearts on it to show them you love what they’re doing.

Every time your teacher makes a joke, turn on your mic so they can hear your roaring laughter in the background— but not for too long— you don’t want to disrupt the lesson.

Go on their office hours every Wednesday for the whole day to make up for that loss of in person one-on-one time.

Every time you have to submit something, add a little note in Canvas about how much you enjoyed completing the assignment and sign it off with xoxo, your favorite student. 

Start the Teams meeting to take a little bit off their plate.

To top it all off take a screenshot of your teacher’s face and make it the background to express your love for them. An alternative is to find their house on Zillow and use that instead. Either way they’re going to find this super endearing, and will definitely like you more for it. 


Great job, you’ve made it all the way to the end! That means that you are now equipped with knowledge that will put you way above your lousy peers. Try and do all of these things to really maximize results and if your teacher asks you how you’re so likeable make sure to give me credit.