Clemmons’ practical desk teaches there’s beauty in simplicity

Hallie Munsat

At Wilson, you may notice a variety of teachers’ desks, from plant-filled windowsills to the gallery-like set up of many art teachers. Physical Education teacher Tia Clemmons has a unique approach when it comes to showing off her workspace. Looking at her table you’ll notice the practical, yet visually appealing setup in which she makes sure to take the little details into account. 

Located on the third floor in the A-wing, Clemmons takes pride in the appearance of her desk. “You spend a bit of time at your desk, and I’m here late a lot,” said Clemmons, who believes in making the most out of what she has. Towards the top left corner, there are mini desktop drawers with color coded office supplies sitting on top. Jars, shelves, and containers are all cohesive to create a welcoming and peaceful workspace for Clemmons and students. 

“It’s definitely practical because everything on my desk I pretty much use. I do go for pretty, warm, and functional,” Clemmons said. She also comments on her favorite items she’s hoping to keep, unlike the annual changes she makes. One is a mousepad that also functions as a phone charger. She also has a handheld massage tool and uses it frequently.

For Clemmons, it is important to keep her workspace compelling. “Every couple years I change it up. Whether it’s the color scheme or what I have on my desk that will change it up a bit.” Clemmons’ desk helps with productivity as well. “It’s a nice, comfortable space that’s organized [and] helps me to work more efficiently. Even if I was a floater I would want to put my stuff down and have my own space.”

Clemmons believes teachers should take the opportunity to revamp their desk space. She even thinks she could do a little more to have a nice presentable space. A teacher’s desk space, either if you’re a floater or have a permanent desk in a classroom, is a great way to have a creative outlet for the school year.