Profiles of 2018-2019 SGA Officers

Elie Salem, Editor-in-Chief

Leo Saunders- Student Body President

“I want to make sure everyone knows what we’re doing, get what we’re doing out. We want people to come in and give us their voice. That is what I feel the student body should do.” Saunders, a first-year member of the Student Government Association (SGA), believes that his friendships among a variety of classes and social groups helps him best represent all Wilson students. He has an impressive 217 fortnite wins, a quarter of which are solo.


Ethan Fingerhut- Student Body Vice-President

“I joined the SGA in freshman year. I came to this school and really wanted to get involved in student government, it’s something that I always wanted to do.” Fingerhut’s favorite part of SGA is that it has a direct impact on the student body. Last year, Fingerhut worked to advertise the new election system and ensure students had the opportunity to submit applications.


Anna Dueholm- Student Body Secretary

“I think with any organization if you’re trying to change something and you’ve been doing things the same way for a long time it’s hard to break down the old ways to put in new ways.” During her sophomore year, Dueholm worked to provide greater acknowledgement to sports and clubs, though, she notes, “we still have a long way to go.”


Eliana Rosenthal- Student Body Treasurer

“I joined the SGA as soon as I got into Wilson because I felt like the school had a loss of community, I wasn’t feeling a lot of warmth in the building.” In her two previous years with the SGA, she has found it difficult to work with administration because they are often busy with their own schedules.


Tyra Lassiter- Senior Class President

“I [feel] like people like me weren’t being heard enough so I’m going to provide a voice and I also want the whole student body to be heard by me.” She finds the most challenging part of SGA to be “understanding everyone’s perspective” and wants to improve communication in her last year at Wilson.


Edmee Brown-Egue- Senior Class Vice-President

Brown-Egue wants to make sure that next year the SGA is “giving people a voice about what is going on in the school and [ensuring students are] aware of what’s actually happening.” In the future, Brown believes that the large size of the SGA may make it difficult to agree on one idea and execute it.


Gabby Anifantis- Senior Class Secretary

“[The SGA] creates a huge community and I think it’s important that we all participate in creating the community that we go to school in,” says Anifantis. Anifantis praised the election effort last year, which brought in a wave of new candidates. “It’s crucial that everyone in this school gets a say and you don’t have the same four people making decisions.”


Natalie Thomas- Senior Class Treasurer

While this is her first year in SGA, Natalia Thomas feels that “[she] has added diversity by holding a position.” Thomas is focused on supporting the student body, especially black and hispanic students that are historically underrepresented. “The best part of SGA is being a part of something that’s bigger than yourself.”


Michael Lacore- Junior Class President

Lacore looks forward to planning Homecoming and other SGA events as well as trying to bring chocolate milk back to the school cafeteria. “People should join the SGA because it’s a good opportunity; you get to meet new people and it is a good experience. It teaches leadership skills.”


Eliza Dahlkemper- Junior Class Vice-President

“I joined this year because I just wanted to make a change in Wilson.” She likes that as part of student government “you get to know what’s going on in the school.” This year, Dahlkemper plans to focus on making school resources more accessible for students.


Rachel Wallach- Junior Class Secretary

This is Wallach’s first year as part of the SGA. “I want to improve communication and make the students feel more involved.” She joined the SGA because she is interested in contributing to the school and the student body. On her strengths, Wallach remarked, “I think I am good at working with others so I could be a good bridge.”


Autumn Moore- Junior Class Treasurer

“I joined the SGA to make sure all of our funds were going to something that represented all of us and not just to one group,” says Moore, a firsttime member of the SGA. Similar to Senior Class President Tyra Lassiter, Moore believes that diverse perspectives are a strength of the SGA, though coming to an agreement is often difficult.


Paige Hollander- Sophomore Class President

“[SGA] has always been something I’m interested in. I’ve always been involved with it in some way or another.” Hollander’s goals for her SGA career are ambitious: “I want to raise SGA’s profile, I want to make what we do and what we can do for the student body more public. I really want to focus on the problems that the students care about.”


Isabella De Pinto- Sophomore Class Vice President

“Recently I have been getting a lot of complaints about the teachers mentality when girls are on their periods and not letting them go to the bathroom. Hopefully, we will be able to instill a new mindset for teachers who are really strict about bathroom usage.” De Pinto stresses that increased diversity and contributions to the SGA would strengthen the school environment.


Walker Price- Sophomore Class Secretary

Price believes that “right now, people are pretty unaware of what happens in SGA” and looks forward to developing the public face of the association. He decided to run for office after hearing the impact student’s can have from a friend of his sisters. Price’s greatest strength, he believes, is his robust work ethic.


Alex Joseph- Sophomore Class Treasurer

“[The SGA] bridges the gap between students and the actual administration. So if you have friends or your own ideas that you wanna see come to fruition at Wilson it is a good way to get those to happen.” Joseph believes that SGA events are clustered in the first semester and wants to “bring emphasis to the latter half of the year.”


Aaron Rosenthal- Social Media Representative

Rosenthal notes that a lack of diversity is one of the greatest problems facing the SGA, though he notes that the past elections brought in “a much more diverse group of officers then we have ever had.” The ease with which he can talk to students in the halls, Rosenthal believes, is an important asset for his student government career.


Noah Gross- Social Media Representative

While Gross found low motivation among SGA members to be trying, he is glad to “[be] in the know of what’s happening at Wilson.” This year, Gross says, “I want to make the [social media] updates more consistent… at the end of the day the students just want information and I think their can be a vast improvement.”


Michaela Bauman- PTSO Representative

Bauman points out that “It is really hard to be heard” at Wilson and joining the SGA can amplify someone’s influence and voice with administration. She looks forward to maintaining school traditions like Homecoming, and Powerpuff. One of her goals next year is to “[make] Spirit Week more organized and have kids know about it way before-hand so there is more participation.”


Phillip Hesse- PTSO Representative

“I joined the SGA because I want to improve communications between parents and students. I want to make sure parents know what’s going on in the school and that they’re well informed.” He describes the SGA as the ‘heart’ of Wilson and wants to start a suggestion box so that parents can understand what changes students want.