Tiger Cubs: Janney Jaguars anticipate the wonders of Wilson

Remember what you thought high school would be like when you were younger? Chances are, most of it was wrong. The Beacon wanted to find out what future Tigers think of high school and Wilson, so we sat down with some kids from Janney Elementary to get their take on “big-kid school.” Read below to find out what first graders Naomi, Abbott, Elsa, Austin, Reynolds, Caleb, Thomas, Luke and Grace had to tell us!

“What do you think high school will be like?”

Abbott: Lots of math, and a lot of writing, but not that much of recess.

Elsa: Really hard

Austin: Frustrating!

Grace: Annoying and loud. Some people use those spray cans to paint walls and lots of people have earrings. I wish I were homeschooled. I wish school were fake.

Us: Well you have earrings; I like yours!

Grace: Can you even see? These are stickers!

“What would you bring in your backpack to high school?”

Abbott: A computer, a phone, and an iPad so I can text my mom or my dad. That’s it.

Elsa: My lunch and a poster—a cupcake poster!

Austin: Paper and a straw—spitballs!

Caleb: A phone. I used to have one, but I lost it.

Grace: Some books about knives and duct tape to tape people to walls.

“What would be your dream high school class?”

Abbott: Gymnastics, soccer, baseball, and basketball.

Austin: Coding! Here, the teacher makes a game and we have to fix the coding.

Reynolds: Inventions.

Caleb: P.E. I just want to play outside.

Thomas: Math and football class.

“Do you know any high schoolers? What are they like?”

Austin: You? [He pointed to us]

Luke: No, but I know someone who’s about to be in high school. He’s my brother. He’s short and grumpy and he sleeps in a lot. He doesn’t like me.

Caleb: Not that many but I know, like, a tiny bit.

Thomas: Yeah, they’re trouble.

“What are you most excited about for high school?”

Naomi: Doing things I never did before.

Austin: Lots of stuff. This is maybe not true, but I think you can get your driver’s license!”

Luke: Getting a car.

Reynolds: Lockers to keep private stuff.

Caleb: That you have lockers and you have to remember a code.