Wilson weight room makes gains

Ethan Leifman, Digital Editor

Thanks to an anonymous donation, Wilson’s weight room has received a much-needed refresh. “It’s a very generous gift,” said Wilson Athletic Director, Mitch Gore, who noted that the estimated value of the new equipment is between $20,000 and $30,000. Weight room users are already noticing the vast improvements.

Junior Daniel Rosten uses the weight room during his second-period JROTC class. “What we have now is good, but the new equipment is a lot better,” says Rosten, who notes that the room generally looks nicer now. “The new equipment helps my exercise routines,” he said.
Jasmine Vasquez, a sophomore, who is also in the JROTC class, says the new equipment “looks nicer, but I don’t really use it.” Vasquez says her class is frequently in the weight room, but much of the class does not actually exercise in the room.

Senior Jacques Nissen has used some of the new equipment and says it is better, but not significantly. “Now there are more machines that are available and functional so you don’t have to wait for certain machines as much,” Nissen said.

Despite the recent gift, the space will take some time to adjust to all of the new equipment, as the bench presses and machine flys are scattered throughout the hallway below, and the weight room is currently packed with older machines. Wilson’s athletics department also has plans to move the exercise bikes down to the hallway below the weight room and to move the new weight machines to the weight room itself. Regardless, the new high-quality Paramount machines came during a time of need, as many old machines were broken, and Wilson athletes were in search of an upgrade.