Mass media competition canceled

Ayomi Wolff, Visual Content Editor

The Student Television Network (STN) Competition, set to be hosted in DC on March 12-15th, was canceled on Thursday the 12th due to the recent reports of coronavirus cases within the city.

Wilson would have had 49 students across 3 mass media classes participating, with mass media teacher, Kadesha Bonds as the coordinator/chaperone and Avram Lubliner-Walters as another chaperone.

STN hosts over 3,000 students who participate in various videography competitions. The event also had many workshops where students can learn from professionals in the broadcast and film making business. Every single year, except last year, Wilson has placed in at least one competition.

STN CEO Nancy Held Loucas released a statement on their website to formally cancel the event. Loucas stated that “due to the DC Heath Department’s recommendation and the city of Washington DC’s subsequent announcement, the STN Board of Directors was forced to cancel the 2020 STN Convention along with related contests and activities.”

Many Wilson students, who were eager to attend for either their first, second, or third times, were extremely disappointed when the cancellation was announced on Thursday morning.“I was really sad,” said senior Eliana Rosenthal, who would have been attending STN for the second time. “There are a lot of people who won’t get to experience [STN] now.” Despite the disappointment, Rosenthal understands the necessity of the cancellation. “It was really smart.” When the announcement was issued, 60 schools, including several from Hawaii, were already in town.

Junior Jack Wallis, who has never attended STN, was “pissed,” but agreed with Rosenthal that “distancing ourselves from other people and big groups is the right move.”

Kadesha Bonds, the head of Wilson’s Mass Media program and a member of the STN Board of Directors, was “excited [about the competition],” but as a board member, Bonds thought that “it was the best decision for the students and schools [to cancel STN].”

As of now, there are no plans to reschedule the event for later this year.