New DCPS food policy prohibits sale of Pizza Boli’s, Krispy Kreme

Margaret Heffernan, Visual Content Editor

Wilson is no longer allowed to sell “unhealthy foods” during school hours, including pizza, Krispy Kreme fundraising doughnuts, and bake sale goods. The sale of pizza and donuts is in violation of the DCPS food contract signed with SodexoMAGIC and goes against the 2010 DC Healthy Schools Act that works to increase the amount of nutritional food in schools.

In order to be sold, an ingredient statement has to be approved by the Office of Food and Nutrients, Director of Strategy and Logistics Brandon Hall explained. “Once [the ingredients are] approved, Wilson will be able to sell pizza as a fundraiser during after school hours.” 

If their ingredient statement is approved, Pizza Boli’s would still only be allowed to sell their pizza one hour after the school day ends. It is unlikely that Pizza Boli’s would return even if they were reapproved because priority for profit goes to Wilson sports teams looking to fundraise. 

Similarly, Krispy Kreme donuts are no longer allowed to be sold in school as a fundraiser for sports teams. Many teams relied on Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a profitable fundraiser during their season. Wilson girls varsity soccer sold Krispy Kreme donuts in the past, bringing in an average profit of $500. The money went towards buying new equipment and jerseys. 

With the loss of funding from selling food like doughnuts, teams are brainstorming creative fundraiser solutions, such as the volleyball and girls basketball teams selling reusable straws for $10 and having fundraisers at restaurants like Chipotle and Comet Pizza.