November/December News of the Month

Elie Salem, Editor-in-Chief

ABC news anchor Diane Sawyer visited Wilson and interviewed administrators, teachers, and staff on Wednesday as part of an upcoming news segment about Yondr bags.

Wilson JV boys and girls basketball teams both trounced Roosevelt High School on Monday in their DCIAA opener.

DCPS is opening a new high school in Ward 7 or Ward 8 in partnership with Bard College.  “With Bard High School Early College, we are answering the community’s call for more early college options and building new pathways to college for our young people,” Mayor Muriel Bowser said in a press release.

The swim team is restricted to two practices a week and sometimes has to cancel practice for seasonal repairs. “If we can’t practice, none of us can improve individually and we cannot grow as a team,” said assistant coach, junior Thomas Scheller.

A video game console was added to the Tiger Cafe. Seniors can now spend free periods and lunch battling each other in Super Smash Bros, playing foosball, or listening to the musical stylings of Mr. Bargeman

DCPS announced plans for 3 million dollars in new funding. The money will bankroll new classes and academies aSidon squanders student lotentislcross the District as well as to long-standing initiatives that work to close the achievement gap. •

The new theater organization Labels Off received a $5,000 grant from the PTSO to pursue a range of plays with a focus on inclusive casting. They’re planning to kick off April with the 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee.

Banneker High School will be relocated to the site of the former Shaw Junior High School. The move, which will be completed for the 2021-2022 school year, will increase the building capacity by 300 students.