The Student Newspaper of Jackson-Reed High School

The Beacon

The Student Newspaper of Jackson-Reed High School

The Beacon

The Student Newspaper of Jackson-Reed High School

The Beacon

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Editors-in-Chief say farewell

Eli Schwartz
CHEERIO, CHIEFS! – Becca and Simon pose with two Beacon editions from their time as Editors-in-Chief. After a tumultuous tenure, the two plan to use the lessons they have learned to their advantage during this next chapter.

With April showers come May flowers, and with May flowers comes giving up our powers. 

As we publish our final edition as chiefs, we wanted to reflect on our time on the Beacon. From humble beginnings as contributors to leading the staff this year we have truly seen it all. Over the last couple of years we have learned a lot. Every edition, every article, every edit has provided us with a new opportunity to grow. And honestly? Neither of us would be the people we are without the time we have spent on the Beacon.

We very quickly figured out that leadership isn’t easy, as obvious as that might seem. Throughout the year, we had to make tough calls, support our staff, and, most importantly, do our best to provide our community with an accurate, interesting, and well-assembled paper every month (or so). 

Something neither of us had fully anticipated was reporting on arguably the most divisive event our community has seen in a long time–the ongoing Israel-Gaza War. Having to tackle something professional newspapers across the country have struggled to deal with was daunting, but we both knew it was necessary; our community was feeling its impacts, so we had a responsibility to cover it. 

We are incredibly grateful to be a part of this school community and have the opportunity to lift the voices of the student body. Having the ability to print a physical paper and the best games in the DMV have been so rewarding. Contrary to popular belief, we love getting to hear feedback on every article you thought was hilarious, that you hated, or that you didn’t read. 

We know you’re all shedding a collective tear (no you’re not). We may be leaving the paper, but we’re still stuck at JR for another month. So say hi when you see us in the hallway (see photo above for reference).

Goodbye forever,

Becca and Simon <3

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About the Contributors
Becca Green
Becca Green, Editor-in-Chief
  • 2023-2024: Editor-in-Chief
  • 2022-2023: Features Editor
  • 2021-2022: Section Copy Editor
Simon Holland
Simon Holland, Editor-in-Chief
Simon is one of two Editors-in-Chief, and if you start talking to him about RuPaul’s Drag Race, you’ll never escape that conversation. During the day, Simon can be found holed up in a corner of the library cranking through all his editing in one sitting, and after school, there’s a 99.9% chance he’s in the Black Box Theater, wishing he could see the sun.  
  • 2022-23: Style Editor
  • 2023-24: Editor-in-Chief
Eli Schwartz, Assistant Director of Art and Design
  • 2022-23: Senior Photo Editor
  • 2023-24: Assistant Director of Art and Design
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