Juniors don’t deserve free periods

Nora Parsons, Written Content Editor

Between classes, seniors form a line at the security desk. They punch in their student IDs and set off. Many spend these periods perfecting college applications, attending dual enrollment classes, or working at jobs and internships. These are things juniors don’t have to do; instead they should be in school, furthering their education.

I acknowledge that our educational system has issues. Free periods seem like an easy solution to overcrowding, underfunding, and stress, but that is like putting a bandaid on a stab wound. They are rooted in systemic problems, which should be dealt with through thorough and thoughtful solutions. Additionally, free periods weren’t created as a mental health break. If we were to introduce any initiatives for mental health, they should apply to students in all grades.

Furthermore, one free period takes ¼ of the day. During this time, juniors should be taking classes they need to graduate, or electives in new subjects. Students don’t need to specialize in high school, they should be getting a well-rounded education. 

For example, when a student interested in STEM takes an art class, the creativity they learn can be applied to other aspects of their lives. 

While I would love to have less school, a student’s role is to learn and prepare for the future. Therefore, to optimize their education and preparedness, juniors shouldn’t have free periods. •