H street meets expectations

Duy Nguyễn, Junior Editor

Over the last 12 years, the H Street festival has grown into one of the largest events in DC. Happening annually on September 17th and taking place in the tight knit corridor of H Street, the festival is nothing short of a blast. With staging areas and unique performances, all sorts of indulgences can be found at this spectacular event.

From food vendors to exhibits to local businesses, it all contributes to the fame of the H Street festival beyond just stage performances. I arrived around noon, not expecting much since the festival had only just started.

But it only took a short amount of time for the fun to get started. I managed to watch many performances of rock and roll, see beautiful costumes, and venture around the corners as I looked through stalls for some items for myself. 

Besides having the elements that makes a festival a festival, it’s also compacted full of unanticipated things like a mobile barber shop, a pop up bar, and even a giant chessboard for anyone to play. One of the highlights was that they had a soap-foam machine blowing bubbles at full power, and I must say it was a very fun experience that let my inner child shine. 

But my favorite part of the festival has to be the food corners. The options range from Filipino cuisine to Japanese foods like Yakitori (chicken skewers). There were both vegan and meatier dishes, if any of you are foodies like me then this is definitely the place to go to satisfy your cravings. 

Even when I had finished investigating every corner, I still didn’t get bored wandering around the busy crowds on the street. The only issue is that there are no resting places where you can take a break or enjoy your food, and the only tables there are from restaurants nearby so you can’t sit there unless you buy something from them. 

Overall, I personally would recommend this event if you are looking for a music event combined with diverse arrays of food, exhibits and entertainment. I feel as if you are fully geared for many full-blast thrills.