A farewell from the chiefs

Hadley Carr and Benjamin Chait

It’s that time of year. When seniors ditch responsibility and say their farewell. Without further ado:

We want to say thank you to everyone who has made this process possible. To Beacon staff, to contributors, to the school community, and not the least to our adviser, Mr. Burgoyne. 

We’re truly grateful to be included in the school community. Thank you for being willing to answer our questions, for allowing us to tell your stories. Thank you to the admin and teachers who took our pestering questions.  

We’ll miss seeing the Beacons on the stairs (once you’ve read them cover-to-cover, of course). Fear not, we’ve added the discarded copies to my kindling pile. 

We’ll miss shoving them into your hands at 8:30 in the morning with a passive-aggressive “good morning.”

We’ll miss packing you guys into 205 like sardines to give you the same slideshow every month and act like we’ve reinvented the wheel. 

We’ll miss it all, or at least most of it. 

We noticed that you’ve all shown up to the handout wearing full-on funeral attire: black suits and gowns and veils. Every single one of you. While this is obviously appropriate for the occasion, we hope that one day you’ll be able to dry the cascade of tears and quell your heart-wrenching wails (seriously, cut it out, it’s too loud) and engage with the school community in a way that works for you, be it the newspaper, theater, or god forbid crew. 

Even though we’re leaving, we’re incredibly excited for the next year of The Beacon, with a staff who will keep working to achieve our goals of truly representing the student body.

The transition between constantly complaining about high school to reminiscing about it begins now. So, we loved every second of it (never cried once) and wouldn’t trade it for the world (seriously, and certainly not in the second floor bathroom during our math test and please stop spreading rumors).

So HAGS, we guess. Time to put on our rose-colored glasses and enjoy the summer. We’re off to tell everyone who will listen (and some who won’t) about our marvelous, idyllic four-year endeavor.


Benjy and Hadley